Happy 10th Birthday!
Mystery Ships Of The Great Lakes is 10 years old today! In the fall of 2003 I began an interest in old photography by a chance acquisition of over 10,000 vintage negatives. A small portion of the negatives depicted various ships that once plied the Great Lakes. I was unable to read the names on the majority of the ships so in the late summer of 2007 Mystery Ships Of The Great Lakes was born. I am very proud that the blog has lasted for a decade but it would it would not have lasted a month without you – the reader. Thus, I am taking this time to say thanks to all who have visited, read, lurked or commented over the years. Special thanks to MikeM, The Rock, Tonylast and Ted Wilush who among others, have done yeoman’s work over the years in identifying the ships. A very special thank you to those that were actually on the ships and have taken the time to post your personal stories. A Master Salute to all of you and here is to another decade of trying to identify the Mystery Ships Of The Great Lakes!