Mystery Ship
Who am I?
Thanks to The Rock for his insight on the possible identities of several Mystery Ships depicted in the photo. Click here to read The Rock's comments and learn what one of the vessels may be!
Vintage Photos Depicting Unidentified Ships Of Yesteryear
I am not going to stick my neck out on that tug pulling the barge,(Maida--there, I did) but I will say that IF, again, IF, that is an "H" on the stack of that freighter behind the barge, then that's one of those old classic Hutchinson Line freighters out of Cleveland.
Probably going to need help on both barge and freighter! Come on, someone come forward!
The Rock
Hi Rock,
Thanks for explaining the photo! I did not realize there was a freighter passing by in the background. The stack logo very well could be an H. Unfortunately, part of the barge blocks the stack so I guess we will never know for sure!
My Grandfather, Captain John C Ryan, commanded the tug Jesse James for a time in the late 40s early 50s. Primary job was towing the tug barge Maida. This was his last command.
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